Tuesday, December 11, 2018

The Sisters' Guide To In-Depth Bible Study by Victoria L. Johnson

About This Book:
Goodreads Summary
Release Date: April 24, 2003
Format: Paperback
Setting: N/A
Page Count: 143
Genre(s): Non Fiction, Self Help, Christian
Date(s) Read: 12/1-12/10/18
Rating: 5/5 

My Thoughts:

This is my second time reading this book and I enjoyed it as much as the first time, well, I remember enjoying it back them (rented in from the library then but just recently bought it). Although I realized that I didn't remember anything about it because it had been so long since I read it. There are some things I questioned how she came to the conclusion she did. I mean, I kind of understood but she took part of a scripture and "ran with it" when the other part that followed was important too (not being ashamed but it also followed with following God's commands).Other than that, I enjoyed it and got a lot out of it. It has been tabbed, highlighted and underlined. Even got the names of some bible dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances, etc. I will be looking into those really soon and hopefully I will be able to get some of them soon.