Friday, January 17, 2020

Pumpkinheads by Rainbow Rowell; Faith Erin Hicks (Illustrator)

About This Book:
Goodreads Summary
πŸ“ŒRelease Date: August 27, 2019
πŸ“ŒFormat: e-book
πŸ“ŒSetting: N/A 
πŸ“ŒPage Count: 224
πŸ“ŒGenre(s): YA, Graphic Novel, Romance, Contemporary
πŸ“ŒDate(s) Read: 1/17/20
Book:  3/5   

Popsugar Reading Challenge 2020
🌽 A book with a map

My Rambles:

I want to start off with the questions first. Let me just say this, do not get yourself triggered with what I have to say because it is just me noticing something and pointing it out. Nothing more, nothing less. I am respectful through all of this. I was typing this out as I read it. 

Now, Ms. Rowell may not have meant any harm in writing the female character the way she did but I can't help but wonder if Deja were not a black woman, would she still have that pushy, mouthy, always eating way about her? Would she still be that bi-sexual, over-weight person who "Dated the entire pumpkin patch"? Is that how she sees all black women? 

My issue isn't with one individual thing, but the entirety.

Her sexual orientation!? 

Not my business. 

Who or how often she "dates"?

Not my business....

IJS though. 🀷


Now, as a black woman, I wonder all of this.

As a light complected woman (not bi-racial..a heavy assumption/stereotype), I got/get stereotyped a lot as well. Even when I was a size two, I got stereotyped. Now that I am an overweight woman, I get stereotyped for that as well. Because I have the "relaxed b*tch face" many times, I get stereotyped for that. Get my point? 

(No, I'm not calling her a bigot or racist)

Don't get me wrong, I love Deja in all her adorable self! I love that there is a plus size rep of a young woman who seems to like who she is and can just be who she is, No apologies needed!! I adored and loved her! Period!  I just couldn't help but wonder if that is how Ms. Rowell see's black women, especially darker toned black women. Now, I want to believe that she'd write the character this way no matter what! And a large part of me believes that but the questions are there though.


On to better news....

Other than that, I thought the book was really cute. Yes, I loved the fact that she was trying to get her best friend to speak to his crush, I mean, that's what friends are for. 😁

I have only read a three of Ms. Rowell's books outside of this one, so I don't know much about her other characters. Which books did I read? Eleanor and Park, Attachments and Fangirl. First two, I loved. 


Deja's character was the best (even with the questions I had). I understood Josiah's shyness with approaching his crush and how scary that could be. I loved their friendship and how well they got along. I just loved them both! As I got to the end, I skimmed over the conversation between Faith and Rainbow, got so me idea of why she created Deja the way she, some questions answered.

Again, these are just things I wondered....not bad talking the author...just thoughts that ran through my head

I don't read e-books often but this was the quickest way to get the book and I began reading it as soon as I got it downloaded (I've read a few other books on my kindle within the last few months or so but most of those were children's books). I'm glad I read it. It was very much worth the read. Not a favorite, which I kind of figured it wouldn't be, many times, hyped books aren't. I tend to love the under hyped books/authors on booktube. It was still really cute.


(I didn't want to type this up, let alone share it, because I know how easily people get triggered and it seems most are on social media. I have no issues with her personality or who she decides to date but I just was curious. I shouldn't even have to explain all of this, but, unfortunately, I do. I was not disrespectful or rude. Just questioned some things) 🀷 

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