Sunday, October 15, 2017

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

About the book:
Series/Trilogy/Stand-Alone, etc:  Stand Alone
Release Date: September 10, 2013
Setting: Lincoln & Omaha, Nebraska 
Page Count: 481
Edition: Hardcover
Genre(s): Contemporary, Romance, Fiction, YA
Date(s) Read:  9/6/17-9/11/17
Rating:     Book: 3/5   Audio: 4/5  (Narrators
Rebecca Lowman and Maxwell Caulfield)

My Thoughts
(If you haven't read this book, there are some things I talk about that some mayconsider as spoiler'ish. I still don't go into great detail about them, except for maybe one part and even then, I'm not sure how spoilery that may be, so go into it knowing that ahead of time)

I think if it wasn't for this audio book, I may not have gotten through Fangirl. If I had gotten through it, I may not have given it a 3 rating. Not so much that it's a bad book but just more boring and a pain to read to me. It just seemed to be a bit too drawn out but I will get to that when I talk about the book. I did enjoy both of the narrators. There is nothing negative I could say about either one of them. They are the reason I got through the book! I think if I hadn't listened to the audio, I may have skipped the Simon parts altogether as the story went on, but, again, I guess that is something that could be talked about when I talk about the book. 

As I stated above, if it weren't for the audio book, I am not sure if I would have finished this and if I had, it may have gotten a much lower rating from me. I won't repeat the whole thing from above because, well, I already said it. 

I loved the characters but there was just something about the book that just didn't suck me in like I would have liked. Of course, I did enjoy enough to finish it. Even if I do have the audio book, if I am not liking it, there will be nothing to keep me from DNF'ing the book.  I can't put my hand on what it was that I didn't like about it. It wasn't really even the issues of Cather because I really understood much of her issues as someone who has dealt with and still deals with low self esteem (and anxiety) for one reason or another. So, anything that may have bothered me about that, I guess I can look in and maybe see something of myself in her. 

It's not even that Rainbow Rowell is a bad author because she isn't. I just think that I just couldn't connect with the story for whatever reason. There were some things to me that were a bit unrealistic when it came to the relationship between Cather and Levi (i.e.-her sitting on his lap and nothing being said about him reacting to that. Um, any man, that has someone they are attracted to them, sitting on their lap, kissing on them, um, yeah, there will be a reaction. But, maybe she glossed over that for a reason the first time or two, I don't know. No, I'm not one who needs detail, but at least give it some reality of the man being a man! IJS).

I even understood some of the relationships that took place in this book. As a mom, there are just some things I really didn't get when it came to the mother but I guess there are mothers out there like the mom in this book. I'm really trying not to go into a whole lot of detail for those who like to read others thoughts of books before reading the book itself so I won't speak on much of anything else about the family and what takes place. 

I tried to read this book before and just couldn't get into it but when I found the audio book for free, I said I would look for the book and thankfully, I found it last week when I went to the used bookstore across the street from my apartments. I am glad that I finally read it and got my curiosity about the book out the way. This isn't my first Rowell book, I did read Eleanor and Park and I loved it! I wasn't expecting to really like it at all but had hoped I would at least be able to get it finished. I also read Attachments and I loved that one too (listened to it on audio while semi following along in the book but I listened more than I followed along, as I do with any audio + physical book combo that I do. I usually have to have both to get through the audio. Otherwise, I think most times, I lose interest in the audio (not sure why) and/or may need to look at the book for whatever the reason may be).

But, with us getting the edges of this big woman, Irma (I'm in Charlotte, NC), I will shut up now so I can publish this so I don't possibly lose anything just in case the power goes out (yes, I saved throughout typing this out). I also want to read while I have light from lamps (again, just in case). 

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