Sunday, October 15, 2017

On The Fence by Kasie West

About This Book:
Series/Trilogy/Stand-Alone, etc:  Stand Alone
Release Date: July 1, 2014
Setting: California
Page Count: 296
Edition: Paperback 
Genre(s): Fiction, YA, Contemporary Romance
Date(s) Read:  9/12/17-9/13/17
 Book 4/5         Audio:   4/5         Narrator(s): Shannon McManus


My Thoughts
(Disclaimer:The slightest of spoilers. If you haven't read it, then read this review at your own risk if you like going into stories knowing very little. Although I give little detail, I still give enough that the rare few may see as spoilers, even if they are very limited. I know I am one of those types of people so that's why I try to be careful about what I say but sometimes, I can't completely avoid saying some things, even if it doesn't go into great detail, when I want to talk about something)

There really isn't a lot to say about the narrator other than I liked her and she was very easy to listen to.

This book started off with me thinking Charlie was a bit of an insensitive little.....ahem....yeah, I will be nice. As the story went on though, she began to redeem herself. I loved the relationship she had with her brothers and dad. She was the 'typical' teenager that makes you want to shake them until their brain rattles and they get some sense (but of course, we know we can't shake our lovable teenagers! lol). I was able to listen to this in almost one sitting. I kept having to pause it to talk to my sons & do whatever else I needed to do throughout the rest of the night. So, evidently, with it's flaws and all, I really did enjoy the story and the growth Charlie had through the book.

There were some parts of course that kind of worked my nerves because people tend to misunderstand depression and the effects it has on the person suffering from it (teenagers and adults alike). Yet, at the same time, I understood why she felt the way she did about some things that happened. Do I feel her reaction was a bit extreme? Yes and No. Yes because when she found out some things, she got extremely upset but yet, remembering some things that took place in my life and how upset I got (the death of my grandmother during my first pregnancy and how angry I was for so long afterward. Too long of a story to tell here), I understood why she was upset. In her case and situation, I just think that she needs to talk to someone about what she is feeling and allow herself to talk it out and figure out why she feels the way she feels and eventually work her way through how she feels. Yes, I realize this is a fictional story but there are people I'm sure out there who may be having the same feelings when it comes to similar situations. 

When it came to the over protectiveness of her brothers, she tended to overdo it not really thinking that most brothers are very protective of their sisters. Yet again, I understand that sometimes, teenagers tend to overdo it when it comes to the emotional things but if the parent can guide that teenager in the right direction when it comes to responding to things, they won't grow into overly emotional adults (which I tend to still deal with myself). 

I know I tend to get a bit off topic sometimes and/or tend to take things a bit to the left over fictional stories so, I will hush now and just repeat that I did enjoy the story and wish I could have come across this young lady in real life and let her know what it is to deal with people that have depression and anxiety. Also, what it is to deal with their actions/reactions to things. Help her to understand that she can't put blame on herself or think the way she did because of someone else's reactions/actions because of folks emotional/mental issues. So, this is another book that got me thinking and wanting to hug people that need it. This from someone who doesn't like to be touched! :-)

It was also good to hear the names of people from The Distance Between Us. The first name(s) I recognized right off top but the second, it took me a while until the band from the other book showed up (mostly because I wasn't looking at the book at this point, I was mostly listening), so I didn't see the spelling of the name or I may have recognized it right off especially after the first characters made a quick appearance early in the book. 

Okay, I've gotten long winded again. I will hush now. 😄

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