Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Boy Most Likely To by Huntley Fitzpatrick (Slightly Spoiler'ish)

Warning: If You have not read this book, I do give some spoilers throughout the review. It may or may not give exact details but it gives enough that may spoil some parts of the book for some if they are anything like me and don't like having details given, even if it isn't giving specifics but beating around the bush type of details.

About This Book:
Goodreads Summary
Stand-Alone/Companion:  Companion to My Life Next Door
Release Date: August 15, 2015
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 425
Genre(s): Contemporary Romance, YA, Chick Lit 
Date(s) Read: 3/18/19-3/21/19    

Rating:   Book:   2.5 /5    Audio:     4/5    Narrator(s): Macleod Andrews, Jorjeana Marie

My Thoughts:

I liked them both, even the first time I tried to listen over a year ago. They helped me get through this book when I may have given up otherwise. 

(Typing out some of my thoughts as I listen to the book)

Initially started the book in December of 2017 but lost interest. Had enough memory of what happened when I stopped reading to start where I left off. Didn't want to start over again. I just was not feeling the book the first time. Not that it was a bad book, just not what I wanted at that time. The drama, extreme angst, etc. That is all still there, but I knew what I was getting back in to. Still a bit annoying but I did my best to push past it because I knew that if I put this book back down, that would be it! Plus, I didn't want to waste another credit on this book and not finish it (got the audio book last time too but was able to trade it back in, didn't want to do that again). I've read her other two books, loved My Life Next Door. I think I thought What I Thought Was True was really good at the time but with a slow start. 

Anyway, about this book

The two main characters, Tim & Alice. The angst between them could have been much more manageable I think if only one were an ass. Even one can be a bit excused because of all they dealt with in their life then to have more dumped on them. The other just seemed, ugh....I don't know! Maybe I need to reread My Life Next Door to remember exactly what went on with this other character to make them this way. Maybe then I'd understand but right now, they just seem like a bitter pain in the behind who needs to be smacked! Yes, both could stand a good swat on the behind but I understand one over the other because the history is there in this book. The other though? I understand the big family thing and just wanting to get away from all the responsibility of it all but to take that frustration out on everyone else and be overly judgmental for mistakes made? But getting in your feelings for trying to avoid making one of those mistakes again? Even after you find out why they did or didn't do it?  I mean, when it comes to the family, I understand that they'd expect the oldest to grow up a bit faster and help out when all you want to do is be a kid/teenager and enjoy life but growing up in such dysfunction as I did and to watch the love that takes place in this family? Maybe I just had the case of the "wishes" that my family had showed this much love for each other as this family does

Maybe I am thinking with a 44 year old brain that says: Okay, initially, I understand why you'd get upset but then after you realize why they did it, you try to do the mature thing and try to understand it. But, again, I have to remember that they are still teenagers. And hell, sometimes, it's hard as hell to be rational in my 40's! So, okay, I will also be nice and not be overly judgmental as well. 

I started having to skip ahead in some of chapter 37. I realized, it's the book, not me..well, kind of. It's me not really feeling it. I just found Tim & especially Alice annoying as hell. I won't say why I started skipping but I just couldn't anymore. Any skipping I did I just made sure I listened to enough to figure out what was going on. If I had to go back 30 seconds on the audio, that was fine but I was just beyond ready to get this damn book done! I seem to remember not really liking "What I Thought Was True". But reading my thoughts on the book, it said that I ended up liking it towards the end. If this is a regular thing that I dislike each book more and more, I may end up having to give up on Ms. Fitzpatrick's books. Her stories have a lot of potential but I guess some books just aren't for everyone, even you may like the author normally. But, I am one for three (One, I loved, the other two I either thought was OK or flat out didn't like). When I'd have to pick up my Kindle to listen to the audio, I found myself not really looking forward to it. I dreaded it most times. There was only one part I looked forward to and that was a situation between him and Hester. Not so much with Hester but something that they were "dealing with" together. 

I think I kept listening because I hoped it would get better. I hoped it was just me. Plus, to be honest, this is the second time I had gotten the audio book, I didn't want to turn it back in again. 

By the end, I was kind of confused on one part but I guess I can always go back and look for it to see the outcome but right now, I am so frustrated with this book, I just ...sigh....I wanted to like it, that's why I was willing to listen to the entire book (find myself doing that lately; wasting time on books that I'd normally DNF and move on from but I think part of me is tired of doing that and trying to stick with some books). 

Over all, many of the characters were just beyond annoying for me. I think she has another book coming out within the next couple of years. Hopefully by the time that one comes out, I will be over this one enough to be willing to give it a try. 

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