Thursday, March 14, 2019

Twilight (Twilight #1) by Stephenie Meyer

About This Book:
Goodreads Summary
Series: #1
Release Date: 10/5/05 (Original Hardcover)
Format: Paperback
Setting: Forks, Washington
Page Count: 498
Genre(s): Fantasy, YA, Supernatural (Vampires), Romance
Date(s) Read: 3/11/19-3/14/19
Book: 4.5/5     Audio:  4/5   Narrator(s): Iliyana Kadushin

My Thoughts:

I liked her, she managed to make Bella sound a bit less whiny and annoying. 

I think I first read this book during the summer of 2009, when all of the hype of the movie was going on. I had never heard of these books before then and didn't know much, if anything, about Young Adult (YA). So, I went to the library and picked up the first book I believe & I was addicted! I found the second book and zipped through that one as well. The fourth and fifth books were harder for me to come by because my older son had surgery during that time and was home by this point so I couldn't get out much. Thankfully, my sister had the other two books and brought them to me. It seemed to have taken forever to get to me! But I think I read all four books within a few months (waiting lists & waiting for my sister to get them to me, which she had them to me fairly quickly, within a couple weeks I think. Hey, it's been almost 10 years! I won't remember every detail! lol)

As I stated, I began reading this book because of the hype of the movie (I didn't think I'd like them mind you, but I thought I'd at least make an attempt to see what it was about. I mean, vampires? Really? Eye Rollage @ that time). I had only read a couple YA books by this point but I didn't know YA was a thing when I read them. I just knew that they were about teenagers. I picked them up because they caught my attention (as I do with all books). 

Well, after picking up Twilight, this was a game changer for me (#rereadathon2019 prompt!) for me. I was stuck on YA from that point to now (although I find myself going back to adult books slowly but surely but I still read a lot of YA because they are such quick reads & I love YA Contemporary Romance). 

I keep getting off point don't I? Sorry.   

I really loved the characters back then and I was so #TeamEdward while reading the books! 

Well, wait, at this point, Jacob had only made a few appearances so I am getting too far ahead of myself. 

I loved all of the characters of this book (in the Cullen family that is). The "friends" of Bella, were annoying to me then I think but they annoyed me even more now, almost 10 years later! The jealousy, pushiness & the asking too many personal questions were a bit much. Reading the book now, I can see why so many thought Meyer's writing were amateurish but if I am not mistaken, this is her first book (I could be wrong but this is the only one I see as her first & I haven't looked any further back). I have to give her credit though, this series got a lot of younger people into reading, those like me that never dealt with or heard of YA, it got us into YA. Made Vampires extra popular again. Although the sparkling thing....?!?! 🤦 Nothing else needs to be said I guess. 

I have not been into many vampire and werewolf books since then but I was able to watch The Vampire Diaries & The Originals and loved them both even though I didn't binge and finish them until after the series ended or was in their last season. I started watching V.D. early on but because I think I kept forgetting about the show every week, I got too far behind and lost interest. This was the time before Hulu & Netflix when they first started I think. I had never heard of Hulu I dont think until 2012/early 2013 and didn't get a streaming device until sometime in 2013 so I wouldn't have been able to watch it anyway...

I  got off point again didn't I? Sigh..Sorry...Again.

So, in a nutshell? I did really enjoy the book again, found myself addicted to the book but not as strong as I was the first time. I didn't love it as much as the first time but I still loved it. I don't see it being a favorite this year but by the end of the year, my mind may change and it ends up on the list. So, only time will tell that! There were some things I had forgotten about in the book so I am glad I reread it.

Now, on to my next [Reading] adventure!

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