Thursday, February 20, 2020

Egypt's Sister: A Novel of Cleopatra (The Silent Years #1) by Angela Elwell Hunt

About This Book
📌Series: #1
📌Release Date: July 4, 2017
📌Format: Paperback
📌Setting:Egypt & Rome
📌Page Count: 374
📌Genre(s): Fiction (Historical, Christian/Biblical)
📌Date(s) Read: (Finished) 2/20/20*
Book:  4.5/5   Audio: 4/5  Narrator(s): Rachel Botchan

*(I don't remember the date I started it...sometime between the 8th and the 13th of February I think)

*Monday: read a historical fiction or classic
*Wednesday: Read a book with 350+ pages (approx. 374 pages)

Popsugar Reading Challenge 2020:

*A book set in a city that has hosted the Olympics (Rome-August 25 - September 11, 1960)

My Rambles:

Book started off slow for me but I did enjoy it enough to try to continue on even though it was a slow start for me as I am not used to reading biblical fiction (although I had been wanting to read more of them). 

By the end of the book I truly adored the main character Chava (pronounced: Hava). To see her growth from beginning to end and to just see that she, even through not understanding and some doubt, her faith in God stayed in tact.She struggled from time to time, as many believers do. Especially when you feel like you got a message/promise from him but you aren't seeing where that message/promise isn't being you think.

I remember learning about Cleopatra in school but unfortunately, I never really paid a lot of attention to it and realized while reading this book, how little I actually knew! 

I don't think I have ever read a biblical historical fiction before (Except maybe Redeeming love but that was not directly biblical fiction although I think it was based on Hosea if I am not mistaken). I have Judah's Wife sitting here but I am not quite sure when I will get to it. I rented this one and Judah's Wife from the library so if I don't get to it right away, I can always check it out again. 

I listened to the audio book from chapter 5 to the end which helped me get through it a lot quicker. I'd probably just be hitting chapter 7 by now because I am already a bit of a slow reader but when I read books that are slow reads for me, it tends to take me that much longer to get through them. This for me, was such a read as I stated above. That is the only reason it got a 4 out of 5 for me. Nothing the book did wrong. 

I am looking forward to going on to her other books whenever possible. Hoping to e able to get into more biblical fiction. As of right now, they are outside of my comfort zone and also hoping that changes soon too as I am finding myself no longer really having much of a comfort zone as my reading is changing more as time goes by. Finding myself reading less Young Adult and getting back into more adult books. Although I will more than likely continue to read YA still, especially contemporary romance. 

And the cover is beautiful!! 

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