Thursday, July 12, 2018

Taming the Star Runner by S.E. Hinton


About This Book:
Goodreads Summary
Release Date: 10/1/1989 (First published in 1988)
Format: Paperback
Setting: Midwest
Page Count: 181
Genre(s): YA, Realistic Fiction, Classic, Literature, Banned books, Coming of age
Date(s) Read:  7/4-7/12/18
Rating:   Book: 2.75/5   Audio: 3/5   Narrator(s): Margo Skinner

My Thoughts:


She was a bit dry but yet, I liked her voice. The sound of her voice was kind of soothing but I just wasn't wild about her reading. I'm in one of those predicaments that I liked but disliked her...Not sure how I feel about her, basically, confused! lol


When I got this book, I kind of figured I wouldn't like it much but I wanted to at least give it a try, it may have surprised me. It didn't. It wasn't a horrible book but it just wasn't my thing. I love S.E. Hinton's writing though. It's always really smooth. These characters though were just bland for me. I didn't totally dislike them, but I didn't completely like them either. They were just, meh for me. You can see what's coming many times with her books because they are usually all about the same thing. Bad boy teens, drinking, smoking and acting out. Then, you have at least one that makes a change, that is different than the rest of his friends. Someone dies. But yet, there's something that just keeps drawing me to her books. Just how well she writes. Generally, I end up loving the characters, even if it's just one. I always find something redeeming about them. 

I am confused about this book. If I had tried to read it without the audio book, would I have liked the characters more? Yet, when I tried to read it on my own, I lost interest quickly. The audio book was what got me through it. I'm still glad I gave it a try, at least now I know that it wasn't my thing instead of just always wondering.


I've got one more book by her that I need to take another try at to see if I can get through it (Hawkes Harbor). The first time I tried, I wasn't feeling it. The problem is, I got rid of it because I got tired of holding onto books I wasn't sure if I'd finish or not. So, hopefully when I feel I am ready for it, I will get it again. I think that is the last book of hers that I need to get through. She has a collection of short stories (Some of Tim's Stories (The Oklahoma Stories & Storytellers Series) but that is something I might have to look into because generally, short story bind ups aren't my thing but there have been times they have surprised me. I think for me, once I finish a story, I am ready to close the book and move on to the next but when there are a bunch of short stories in a book, I tend to lose interest. Then, after that, there are children's books that I doubt I will read (who knows, I may change my mind or read them, then send them to my nephews if I find they are kid friendly enough and/or I don't think my sister will mind them). 

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