Thursday, May 23, 2019

Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson

About This Book:
Goodreads Summary
Release Date: May 4, 2010
Format: Paperback
SettingUnited States
Page Count: 344
Genre(s): Young Adult, Contemporary Romance, Travel/Road Trip
Date(s) Read: 5/16-5/23/19
Book: 3/5     Audio: 4/5   Narrator(s): Suzy Jackson

My Thoughts:

I enjoyed her narration. She is someone I'd listen to again if it is the right book for her voice. 


Okay. I will start off by saying that I started this book October 2018 and lost interest. I got the audio book this month and decided to finish it. I still wasn't all that interested and would get bored with it. Almost stopped a couple times even with the audio. 

With all that said, I did enjoy quite a bit of the book.

I liked Amy & Roger and most of the side characters. Liked the pictures in the book, showing many of the stops, song list, etc. There was one character I wish would I could have shook a little. I mean, there were things I understood why they played out the way they did because I would have reacted the same way but the other side of that, things could have been handled much better, even through all the things that were going on. I am beating around the bush with this because I don't want to give away the story. 

This is the second book I have read/listened to by Morgan Matson and both times, I would get bored and have issues with a character or two (which I guess is normal for many books and may be done on purpose). It seems like someone is always just disappearing though, no explanation at all. If that's a trend in all her books, it might get a bit boring and I already struggle through her books. It's not so much that her books are bad, I just think her writing style isn't totally my thing. I am like that with Sarah Dessen as well. I have to have an audio book to listen to her books but will still get a bit bored and most of her books don't get much higher than a 3/5 (but heck, I find myself needing audio books for a lot lately, I guess because it makes things easier & I am doing more reading outside my typical comfort zone, although, that is beginning to change)

Am I still willing to continue to give Matson's other books a try? Yes

In hopes I find at least one that I love. But I won't go out of my way to pay full price for her books. I will wait for a good price on all of them. I understand my opinion may be a bit unpopular and that's fine. There are different writing styles for everyone because we are all different (Writers & Readers alike). Just like Kasie West is my auto-buy author and there are some who may not be crazy about her books. That's fine too.  

It's all about personal taste

I do tend to like many of her characters so far though. So, I will just take it book by book of course. There are  about 2-3 books I know for sure I want to try: The Unexpected Everything, Save the Date & Second Chance Summer (iffy about this one). 

I have one more travel book (Open Road Summer) that I am going to try to get through in June, hopefully that will work out better for me. 

For those who are like me and behind on a lot of books for one reason or another & have not read this book yet, just know that this is just my thoughts. I might not have loved it, but that doesn't mean you won't. Even if you feel it's not going to be your thing, at least try it and if it doesn't work out, well, at least you can say you tried right?

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