Goodreads Summary
๐Release Date: November 13, 2018
๐Format: Paperback (Large Print)
๐Setting: N/A
๐Page Count: 720
๐Genre(s): Non-Fiction, Autobiography
๐Date(s) Read: 8/25-8/31/19
๐Rating: Book: 4.5/5 Audio: 5/5 Narrator(s): Michelle Obama
NEWT's Magical Readathon 2019:
Muggle Studies: 'O': Read a book by a person of color
(This could have got a couple of spots under muggle studies but decided to go with this one)
My Rambles:
Loved learning about her life from her childhood through the presidency of Barack Obama. Enjoyed hearing her read it. She confirmed some things that I pretty much already figured had happened. Learned things about her family that I didn't know a lot a bout. It may have been common knowledge, maybe she's talked about it when she did interviews but as a person who doesn't watch a lot of regular television, I missed a lot, sometimes, I still do. The stuff I do catch, I'd like to think instincts kick in when I feel something is off. Not always but when they do, I follow them and do my own digging sometimes, even with this current administration.
I noticed, while listening to her read, she would say something and sound so much like her husband! Especially when she does an imitation of him. The way he speaks, she can get his diction down. lol.
I sometimes wondered how much of the rumors about her she had actually heard, she confirmed that question right off. I loved them as a couple and Barack as president. He wasn't perfect but no president is. It was nice to know more details of the things I did hear her and Barack talk about. Many questions I may have had and thought about answered.
There isn't really much I can say about this book without giving too much of what is said away. I can say that whether you like the Obama's or not, it is still good to get a different view of them, especially if you aren't "A Fan" of them. Get their take on them. Maybe you can understand things from their perspective at least. Go into it with an open mind without pre-judging the book and wanting to go in ready to "roll your eyes" at everything. Would I read anything from #45? I can honestly say I don't know just based on what I see from him now. I was willing to read this because the Obama's are very articulate and easy to listen to, as well as many previous presidents.
One thing I'm glad she made clear, that people keep asking from her...she has no intention of ever running for office. I don't blame her! At all! She has been through enough hell as FLOTUS..I
I am in no way a political person so I don't read many books by political people (directly or indirectly involved) although lately, some have caught my attention.
Okay, done...I think...
Happy Reading,
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