Thursday, September 12, 2019


 This readathon is somewhat self explanatory, it's a readathon that you choose letters of your name to do the prompts. The video can explain it better than I can but you can use the letters of your name or nickname. If you have a blog or vlog, you can use the letters of that as well.

My name, as the blog says is Bridget. Name of the blog of course is Bridget's Book Ramblings. I could choose to use just my name or my blog name But both are a bit too long and I am in a bit of a slump so that makes it even harder for me to want to do my full name or blog name. Especially in a weeks time. My nickname and the way that I personally spell it is: B R E I ....Nope, my name isn't spelled like that..I could just use "BRI" but I just wanted it to be spelled differently when I decided how I wanted to spell my nickname over 20 years ago.

So, with that bit of a ramble over and hoping I made sense.

Now, I will put the video down below and in the description of that video are the links with the prompts for each letter. There are two prompts per letter and if I am not mistaken, you can double up but don't quote me on that.

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