Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Tome Topple & Audiobookathon Wrap Up

So, here are the book(s) I finished for both readathons:

For the Audiobookathon I finished (4/15-4/28/19):
-The Moon & More by Sarah Dessen
-Allegiant by Veronica Roth

For Tome Topple I finished (4/13-4/26/19):
-Allegiant by Veronica Roth

Both took place for two weeks from the middle of April to close to the end of April. I did not do a whole lot of listening or reading by this time because I was burnt out again as I have been participating in a lot of readathons since about the beginning of March. I had participated in the OWLs Magical Readathon as well during April (Wrap Up Linked).

When I finished my final book for the OWLs, I was just not really feeling the reading thing for a day or two. I just took my time on books I did pick up and allowed myself not to read if I chose not to. And Not Feel Guilty about it! They both took place during the same time which was great because the audiobooks helped me get through all of the books I read throughout the month but especially the larger books and the books I probably wouldn't have finished otherwise (i.e. Angel Fire by L.A. Weatherly & Allegiant by Veronica Roth...my thoughts are linked in the titles for both). Allegiant & The Moon & More also fit into my OWLs as well.

I participated in both of these readathons as an extra push to get some more books done and for me not to have an excuse to read a larger book and/or other books I may have pushed to the side otherwise. Plus, I was in a major reading slump before March, that's what made me start doing readathons. The last book I had read and finished was back in November 2018. I wanted to read but I just couldn't get into it until I started doing readathons.

Starting in May though, I will be doing two readathons that are a month long. One I will loosely do and not really focus on unless I just want to read books that fit it & the other, I will still semi-loosely do as to not burn out again but I will mostly be focusing on. Those should be up by the time this goes up or soon after (I tend to start typing up many of my blogs in the midst of reading books and/or when it gets close to time to start the readathons or whatever I am wanting to talk about at that time). I am also doing a reading challenge for a Goodreads group I am in but that doesn't end until June so it'll be a bit before I will put that one up. Maybe closer to time for it to get I will start working on it...Maybe....

But, I have rambled long enough. If you stuck with it this far, thank you! You are much appreciated!

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