Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Rereadathon 2019 Wrap Up

Here are the prompts for the read-a-thon:
1. Give a book a 2nd chance
2. Recent Favorite
3. Old Favorite
4. Game Changer (book that changed what you read/genre changer)
5. Underrated/Unpopular book
6. Childhood Favorites
7. Popular book

Prompts That I Finished:
1. Old Favorite: Twilight (Twilight #1) by Stephenie Meyer

2. Game Changer (book that changed what you read/genre changer)Twilight (Twilight #1): by Stephenie Meyer

3. Childhood FavoritesFox in Socks by Dr. Seuss (Audio with Story Video) (YouTube)

4. Popular book:Twilight (Twilight #1): by Stephenie Meyer

Bonus Reread: Snow White by Brothers Grimm (Jacob Grimm)

I started Shadowlands as an underrated/unpopular book but didn't finish it in time. So, I got 3 books done and almost half of another done. Although the last two books were short, I can say I'm proud to get done what I did. My week had gotten busy the last few days..so, if I wasn't busy, I was too tired and/or not always feeling 100%.  I finished the book though and will just count it as a #marchmysterymadness book.


(Click HERE for my thoughts)

Fox In Socks:
(Click HERE for my thoughts)

Snow White:
(Click HERE for my thoughts)


Snow White: Although I remember the story from my childhood, I'm not sure it was a favorite. I enjoyed the movie I guess. I really don't remember watching a lot of Princess stories when I was a kid. I remember Tom & Jerry, Flintstones, WKRP, Mary Tyler Moore, etc..but not sure about the princess stories until I was a bit older..lol...Not sure why that is. I am young enough to have a lot of Disney movies be around..Maybe that's something I need to talk to my mom about. Maybe she didn't make a big deal out of them and just never paid much attention to them..or, maybe I just didn't care...Who Knows? 

I'm saying all of that to say, I don't think it was a childhood favorite like that. 

As I got older and started taking true notice of the stories, I really just wasn't feeling it.I was watching someone on Youtube one day and I think she mentioned why she loved Beauty and the Beast..When I sat back and thought about it, I realized she was right. Belle didn't need a man to come in and "save the day", plus, I mean, she loves to read! Double the reason to love her and the story (a beautiful story at that). So yes, I allowed someone else to help me make the decision that she is my favorite Princess! In my late 30's/early 40's...lol...And I am fine with that! I can say that I am a huge fan of Disney Movies....I can't say that I love them all but yes, when there is a movie coming out, I am excited for them. But, this isn't about movies, this about books. I guess I could write about the movies on my movie blog one day. 

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